APD Investigates Fatal Crash Involving Motorcyclist and a Vehicle on West Side

One man has died after crashing his motorcycle into a car

Albuquerque –

APD traffic officers investigated a fatal crash involving a motorcycle and a vehicle yesterday.  The motorcycle driver died on scene after crashing into a vehicle.  APD says the motorcyclist was going south on 86th street approaching the intersection of Sedge Creek Rd SW. At this time a vehicle who had stopped at a stop sign at the intersection turned in front of the motorcyclist to go north on 86th street from Sedge Creek Rd SW.  The motorcyclist slammed into the driver side of the blue Nissan sedan killing the motorcyclist instantly and the collision also injured the driver of the Nissan.  The motorcycle was a Harley Davidson and the man driving it appeared to be the only one on it during the crash.   

Footage from the scene can be found HERE:

APD Traffic Officers Investigate a Fatal Crash Involving a Motorcycle into a car


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10 thoughts on “APD Investigates Fatal Crash Involving Motorcyclist and a Vehicle on West Side”
  1. I hope I am wrong, but since this was a Harley rider, most likely they were only protected by a handkerchief on their head and lots of chains hanging off their wallet. It’s the biker uniform. This is the NUMBER ONE cause of fatal motorcycle accidents due to TBI’s. Add to that the plethora of MORON Albuquerque automobile drivers that are drunk, stoned, or just stooopid, or all the above and pull out in front of motorcyclists who have he right of way. Happens here all the time. Our genius state legislators drank the koolaide a number of years ago when RIchardson was the gov., and passed a law, rescinding the effective and essential helmet law, and the fatal results are on the record to prove my point. They are through the roof!!!!

    1. Cliff was a good guy may his soul rest in paradise it’s crazy to think one second you’re talking and having a good time with someone and the next minute they are gone it’s been a tough day trying to process all this

    2. this was a family man . he was not part of a motorcycle club or gang he was on his way home from work to have dinner with family , a 21 year old female pulled into traffic not paying attention and he had no time to stop it killed him on the scene . she has not been charged yet but the family has been looking into legal action . too many motorcycle riders are being killed daily by careless drivers .

  2. I think this is bad taste putting his wife in this video and even posting that picture as the main picture. Our family is disgusted my this. She didn’t even get that close to the scene and you’re posting it up for everyone to see!

      1. You don’t have to be so damn rude. I was on the scene. He’s my brother. I’m saying this from a family standpoint. Not some little sensitive kid. I’m probably old enough to be your mother.

          1. You are without a doubt the most uncompassionate, despicable, low down, disgusting excuse for a human being. Your constant insensitive and extremely rude posts, replete with regularly boasting about how you think the subjects of a story should be killed is outrageous!!!! And for that matter, I’m extremely disappointed that ABQ Raw allows your unthoughtful, dangerous, bone-headed and highly offensive posts. Be careful what you say, dude. It may come back to haunt you….

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