Car Crash Kills One on Westside of Albuquerque


March 3, 2023, 1:17 pm
APD Generic Crime Scene

Northwest Albuquerque-

According to an Albuquerque Police Department news release, on March 3rd, 2023 at approximately 3:00 AM the APD Motors Unit was called out to a fatal crash located at Unser Blvd and Paradise Blvd just south. During the investigation it was determined that a blue 2009 BMW Sedan was headed southbound on Unser from Paradise in the northbound traffic lane.

At the same time a silver Chevrolet Silverado was traveling north on Unser. The truck crossed into the southbound lane in an attempt to avoid the BMW, however, it appears the BMW then attempted to correct its lane which then caused the Silverado to make another lane change back into his correct lane when the crash occurred. This was a head on crash.

The driver of the BMW was pronounced decease on scene by AFR and the driver of the Silverado was transported for chest pains to UNMH. The Silverado driver was screened by a DWI Officer and was found to not be driving under the influence. This investigation is ongoing. At this time it is unknown if alcohol was a factor for the crash.

“It does appear that speed and other improper driving by the BMW was a factor for the crash,” said sworn Police officer and PIO Chase Jewell in an email.

There is no video available for this remote section of Unser Blvd. At this time no charges are pending.


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