Latest Murder Ties Last Year’s ABQ Metro Record


September 15, 2022, 7:33 pm

By: ABQ RAW staff

Posted: 09/15/2022 @ 1:30PM

An APD homicide detective looks over the scene of the 126th murder of the year where a man was shot and killed in his car.

Foothills Albuquerque –

The Albuquerque Police homicide and crime scene units went to three different homicide call outs in a matter of a few hours. The latest one was at Mission Hill Apartments at 10000 Menual Blvd NE. Witnesses said there was gunfire, screaming, and they noticed a blue sedan with a man wounded in the driver seat. When officers arrived they found a male in his sixties dead from what appeared to be at least one gunshot wound.


Detectives and crime scene technicians were processing the scene as residents of the apartments walked by crime scene tape while starting their early morning routines.

Two middle school children walked by the scene and asked what had happened and someone informed them a murder had occurred.

Seemingly curious as to what was happening the kids could be heard talking to each other:

“See I told you!,” said a sister to her brother as they walked to school.

“Do they have a chalk outline of him?” said the brother.

In 2021, the Albuquerque area had 126 total homicides and it was at that time the record for the deadliest year in the Duke City’s history.

It is now the middle of September and Albuquerque has already hit last years record with 126th homicide.

Patreon Members Can See NSFW footage from the scene:

If the average homicides per month keeps up, Albuquerque will have 165 homicides by year end.


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