Man Who Lost his Child on a City Bus is Back in Jail Again


February 3, 2023, 10:28 pm

By: ABQRAW staff

Posted: 2/3/2023 @ 3:15PM

Nicholas Clinton’s latest mug shot with a bite mark on his nose

Albuquerque – Back in December 2022, Nicholas Clinton, 36, of Albuquerque caused mass hysteria and panic amongst the general public when he showed up drunk without his child to the Gibson Center where he was staying. The Albuquerque metro public and several law enforcement officials frantically began searching everywhere for his daughter. It is alleged Clinton got separated from his daughter on or near a ABQ ride bus and he continued on the the shelter on Gibson without her. An alert bus driver was suspicious about the situation and called police to investigate. According to the criminal complaint, Nicholas was intoxicated and belligerent with officers when they began questioning him about his young daughter Oreyana being missing. He attempted to batter the officer and he was taken into custody with some use of force.

Fast forward to today, Clinton is now back in jail for aggravated battery against a household member and violation of felony/misdemeanor warrants.

According to the criminal complaint, Clinton and his wife were bloody in their faces. The officer was told that Clinton’s wife was jealous of him because he is known to be flirtatious with other woman. Clinton become angry about being interrogated by his wife and started to beat her and also pushed her against a fence. The wife then bit Clinton on the nose to stop the attack. Both Clinton and his wife were intoxicated during the incident and both were taken to the hospital to be checked out.

It is unclear where Oreyana has been since the last arrests. We will continue to follow this tragic incident and only hope the best for young Oreyana.


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