Police Activity Shuts Down Streets Near Talin Market


May 30, 2024, 2:15 pm , ,

Albuquerque –

This afternoon, the Albuquerque Police Department is actively responding to an incident in the 300 block of Alcazar St. SE, where a violent and agitated man is barricaded inside of a residence.

APD has established a perimeter and is attempting to resolve the situation.

This incident may develop into a SWAT situation, and if it does, we will update this story.

We have a reporter headed to the scene to gather more details.


This incident has developed into a SWAT situation.

Reportedly, at 2:55 PM, there was also a pedestrian that was struck by a vehicle at Zuni and Alvarado. Drivers may see police and emergency responders in this area. The pedestrian from this vehicle vs pedestrian crash allegedly has non-life threatening injuries.


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