BY: ABQ RAW staff
POSTED: 02/17/2024 @ 10:30AM
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APD Police Chief Harold Medina’s truck (left) showing front end damage while officers focus on the Tewa Lodge for a suspect. The photo overlay (right) is Chief Medina talking with officers at the scene.
Albuquerque –
Today at around 9:30 AM, Albuquerque Police were called to the intersection of Central Ave and Alvarado Drive regarding a car crash and shots fired. Witnesses say they saw APD Police Chief Harold Medina’s truck crashed in the intersection. He was also on the scene, talking with officers who were processing it.
In the interim, APD officers swarmed the area to try to locate the suspect of the shooting Officers were focused on the Tewa Lodge at 5715 Central Ave and the surrounding area.
It is unclear how many victims there were and the conditions they were in.
The plot twist in all of this was that a 10AM City of Albuquerque press conference was scheduled in front of the infamous Adam’s Market on Central and Pennsylvania. It was going to feature Mayor Tim Keller and APD Police Chief Harold Medina addressing crime in the area of the market.
About 10 minutes before the start of the press conference, we received an email from APD’s public affairs office stating that the press conference was postponed. The email did not provide a reason, but it’s evident that it’s due to the chaos occurring a few yards down the street.
We did not have this on the bingo card of Albuquerque crime today.