145th Homicide in Albuquerque


December 10, 2021, 2:40 pm

ABQ RAW staff

Posted: 12/10/2021 7:34AM

Updated: 12/10/2021 2:15PM

Downtown Albuquerque-

APD was dispatched to a gun shot victim early Friday morning near 1st and Gold street. Officers found a male victim and he was transported to a hospital where he died.

Murder suspect Patrick Saavedra

According to a criminal complaint, Patrick Saavedra was harassing a security guard at 1st and Gold Street. Saavedra was yelling from his truck at the security guard and pointed a gun at him. During the argument witnesses were take photos of the truck and suspect with a camera phone.

A transient told Saavedra to stop and Saavedra opened fire killing the transient. A security guard said he saw the muzzle flash of the gun as a “spark.” Saavedra drove off from the scene and the security guards tried to save the victim.

Police were able to track him down to his house with the photo evidence gathered by witnesses. They arrested him on an open count of murder.

Saavedra has a lengthy criminal record dating back to 2001. Some of the crimes include shooting at a dwelling, shooting from a motor vehicle, stealing motor vehicles, aggravated DWI, and his most recent arrest on June 28th, 2021 of unlawful taking of a motor vehicle. He did serve time for a few of cases and had parole violations.

A majority of Saavedra’s cases were dismissed due to prosecution not providing discovery or

This is the second homicide for Albuquerque in a 24 hour period. Albuquerque has 145th murders for 2021.


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