By: ABQ RAW staff
Posted: 09/24/2022 @11:30AM
Updated: 9/24/2022 @ 1:30PM (suspect in custody) (Victim ID’ed) (Statement from Calvary)

Parking lot scene

Daniel Bourne
NE Albuquerque –
****BREAKING NEWS**** Suspect in CUSTODY!!!
Last night on September 23, 2022, around 10:00PM a Calvary Church security team member noticed a suspicious truck in their parking lot. The vehicle did start to leave the parking lot, but then for some reason the vehicle turned around and purposely ran over the security officer. The assailants kept running over his body until he died.
The offenders then purposely dragged his body to a nearby ditch on the north side of the church campus in some sort of effort to conceal the body. The security guard had not checked back in for some time and his cell phone location had not changed. It raised concern for family and a lead security officer, which prompted the search. The lead security officer and another officer eventually located the other male security officer already deceased in the ditch with massive trauma.
The murdered security officer was able to take photos of the vehicle before he died. It is described as a blue Ford F-150. APD responded to the scene and detectives were out gathering further information well into the morning.
Slide show from the scene of Daniel Bourne’s murder. Senior Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Chapel meets with an Albuquerque Police officer and Calvary security where the scene occurred. Other Photos in this slideshow show APD CSI team collecting more evidence in an arroyo near the church.
This is Albuquerque’s 132nd homicide of 2022. If you have any information on this latest homicide call 505-242-COPS.
Below is a statement from Calvary:
Calvary Church statement on murder of Daniel Bourne from Mr. Neil Ortiz at Calvary Church:
“Calvary Church is grieving the loss of a beloved member of our church family, Daniel Bourne.”Daniel was a veteran of the US Coast Guard and a retired BCFD commander. In his retirement, he had dedicated his life to protecting our church community. “The tragic events of Friday night, September 23, took him from us far too early. He leaves behind his dear wife and three children. “This weekend, at all of our campuses, we will be honoring the memory of Daniel and focusing our services on the question of how we find hope and healing during life’s traumatic and painful surprises. “We will also have on each campus a number of trained trauma counselors, and chaplains from various agencies, to assist anyone struggling through this loss or their own pain. “Services times and locations are available”Calvary Church is grateful for the incredible and professional help of the Albuquerque police department in pursuing the perpetrator of this awful crime. We are also grateful that, because of our own safety procedures, we were able to supply the APD with critical evidence to help the authorities quickly identify and apprehend a suspect.”Any inquiries related to the facts and circumstances of the homicide, should be made directly to the Albuquerque police department.”
Seth Grutz
2022 ABQ Homicide locations