Albuquerque –
Around 11:45AM, the Albuquerque Police Department was in the area of Coors and Central RD NW when they recognized a possible wanted subject on a bicycle. The suspect began to flee going south on Coors on his bicycle with an APD unit following.
The suspect on the bicycle apparently brake checked the APD cruiser and tried to jump the median. This silly move forced the APD officer to hit the subject on the bike causing a crash. The subject was taken from the scene in an ambulance to UNMH in an unknown condition.
APD and Bernalillo County Traffic Units could be seen on scene piecing together the sequence of events along with APD’s civilian traffic unit.
We will update the story if anything is released about the condition of the person. We will also report if the person is booked on possible warrants or is facing other charges after they get released from the hospital.
Criminal shitstain gets hit by a cop… ON HIS WITTLE BICYCLE! Love it!
The only thing better would be if the vato cocksucker dies from his injuries. C’mon, UNMH, make it happen!
He’s a suspect because he resembled a known wanted individual, we don’t know if he’s been convicted of anything , we don’t even know if he was actually fleeing ,kneejerk fucktards like you or what’s wrong with my city, next time …just don’t say anything…you’ll be alright once the swelling goes down,..if the swelling goes down..maybe you’ll stay a fucktards.
Typical ‘Burque thug, resorting to empty threats whenever your Betters highlight your inherent inferiority. I’m laughing at you, boy.
That’s not exactly how it happened. I’m pretty sure Police Chief Flintstone was out driving around drinking his Frappachino and when he reached down to put a CD of The Village People on the CD Player and some guy that was getting pulled over on his Bicycle as he was almost stopped Chief Barney came flying up in his Ram Truck and Smashed into the guy on the bike so He called Mayor Barney Rubble who told him to Run Run Run away and they could do a press Conference on TV where they could pat each other on the back in a Butt kissing Worship Fest of their ability to act important leaving the Poor officer Confused about what the heck just happened because he was actually looking both ways so he would be a safe Driver and by the time he looked at the Bicycle Guy he was 30 feet further down the road then where he was stopping and all twisted up in a Jumbled Mess when Steve Hindy Showed up Telling the Officer who was originally stopping the guy he ran him off the Road because he knew if Chief Fred and Mayor Barney knew he Covered their mess up he would get the Extra Donut and would once again help hide the Shady crap Him, Fred and Barney seem to get into almost every other day and they would let him have first Bid on all the Harleys he takes away from Bikers on his Made up Charges allowing him to have a nice Bike Collection for pennies on the dollar and a free Glazed Donut
You know why I like cops? Because they kill vermin. This dying city needs a lot more of that.