Rookie APD Police Officer Booked After Domestic Incident


June 14, 2024, 8:15 pm , ,

Albuquerque –

APD once again had to arrest one of their own after an alleged domestic violence situation on Thursday.

On June 14, 2024, an APD supervisor was dispatched to the Northwest Area Command substation to meet with a caller. The caller reported that her girlfriend was possibly following her after an earlier incident, and it was making her fearful. The victim was reported to be visibly upset, in tears and breathing heavily. The victim told the police supervisor that her girlfriend, identified as APD officer Breeyn Arrey, 22, of Albuquerque was abusive and she feared Arrey. The victim stated to police that she and Arrey had been a couple for a year and four months.


The victim briefed the supervisor on past incidents and was specific about Arrey’s habit of spitting on the victim in anger. The victim even provided a picture to the police supervisor from that day where it appeared spit evidence was dripping from her temple and eyebrow area.

The incident that led to the arrest started when Arrey showed up to the victim’s home and wanted to go to breakfast, but the victim was not feeling up to it. The refusal to go to breakfast started a verbal argument where derogatory names were directed at the victim. At some point, the victim did eventually get into the car and they began driving. The victim affirmed that she tried to get out of the car, but Arrey instead locked the doors and started driving aggressively. The victim described the driving as “crazy” and stated they barely avoided crashing into other traffic on the roadway. Other vehicles took notice of the psychotic driving and began honking at their vehicle. The victim stated Arrey got even more angry when the victim fell silent and wasn’t arguing back. At one point, Arrey, while driving, grabbed the victim by the hair and spat in her face while calling her a “bitch.” The victim tried to use her phone, but Arrey tried to take it from her. As the vehicle slowed down near the Starbucks at Coors and Ladera NW, the victim tried to escape, but Arrey physically pulled her back into the car, preventing the victim from fleeing the violence.

The victim told police that the entire ordeal lasted 45 minutes with a forced stop at Starbucks for coffee. Arrey eventually drove the victim home but threw the overpriced coffee at her. Arrey apparently had to start her shift at the police department around noon that day and she must not have wanted to be late to work so she left the scene. The victim told the APD supervisor she didn’t want Arrey to get into trouble and admitted: “she’s going to kill me”. APD did provide the victim with a restraining order packet and tried to follow up with her, but she left the substation refusing to talk further.

Arrey now faces a felony charge of false imprisonment and two charges of misdemeanor battery against a household member. Considering Arrey is a probationary officer, her employment with the City of Albuquerque could be in jeopardy unless she is friends or family of Deputy Chief Vega or Chief Medina, then she will most likely be fine.


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5 thoughts on “Rookie APD Police Officer Booked After Domestic Incident”
  1. This might come as surprising and some may not believe it, but I applied for a police cadet position with APD not too long ago and was denied. Why was i denied? Because I had a clean record… i know that sounds silly but when I went in for a polygraph (lie detector test) the person interviewing me asked if I’ve ever been involved in any illegal activity and i responded no, what I was told next was mind blowing. The person then followed up by saying, “come on, there has to something, if there’s nothing on here then you’re more than likely going to be denied”. Shortly after, sure enough, I was denied. APD is full of red flags i.e. they rather have people who are willing to bend the rules over someone who strictly follows the rules, all their paper work is severely outdated by 4 years to point where none of their information is accurate, and they say they’re short staffed and offer a 10k sign on bonus but deny the people they need out on the streets. They have horrible communication skills and clearly have issues responding to calls. Last time I had to rely on APD it took them 24 hours to respond which at that point the issue was already resolved, luckily without violence. The cheif put someone in the hospital because they got scared of a couple gunshots not directed towards him and decided to floor it into an intersection. APD is going down hill and soon they’ll be completely corrupt with officers that are constantly breaking the law for fun.

    1. That sounds completely made up because I took that same polygraph and I have a squeaky clean record and was approved to the next step. You either lied by omission and they caught it, or lied on your personal history statement and they trapped you at the polygraph.

  2. Knowing the officer that was arrested. This is all completely false. This is not in line with Arreys character whatsoever, and her girlfriend whose name is ALASKA, has a history of getting violent with Arrey, with proof. Alaska is manipulative, vindictive, and abusive. Alaska wanted to flip the script on Arrey because she isn’t getting what she wants, so she now wants to ruin her life.

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