By: ABQ RAW staff
POSTED: 02/13/2023 @ 12:15PM

Eric Ford, 58, of Albuquerque
Albuquerque – On Saturday, February 11th, 2023, APD officers responded to reports of a shooting at the Circle K, located at 900 Juan Tabo Blvd. N.E. When officers arrived, two victims were located with gunshot wounds and both victims were transported to the hospital. One of the victims died at the hospital from a gunshot to the abdomen.
On Sunday, APD arrested the man who was responsible for the shooting, Eric Ford, a 58-year-old, of Albuquerque. Ford was charged with the murder of Michael Urisote and the near deadly assault of a second victim.
According to a criminal complaint, Ford was inside the Circle K attempting to purchase some items when he was being disruptive and grunting. The store clerk asked Ford to leave the store and he left the store. Ford began to argue with his wife outside of the store. The clerk told Ford to leave or she would call the cops and Ford punched her. The victim, Urisote, asked the clerk if she had been hit and then went outside to tell him not to hit a women. A fight ensued and both were rolling on the ground and the female companion of Ford exited the vehicle and hit the victim, Urisote. That is when the clerk heard a gunshot and then four to five more. Urisote was struck, and a bystander was also hit in the groin by the gunfire.
Detectives took inventory of the scene and found 4 bullet casings, a metal object that looked like a knife, Urisote’s clothing, and a meal object with a skull on it. The second victim who was shot in the groin returned to the scene to give APD detectives a witness account.

A knife appears on the ground near Michael Urisote’s clothes at the double shooting at Circle K. Urisote was shot and killed by Eric Ford.
Ford and his wife fled the scene and witnesses followed the car to give a description to APD dispatchers. On Sunday, February 13th, 2023, APD was able to apprehend Ford and the female companion. She stated in her interview with police that she got out of the car to help Ford because she thought Ford was being jumped. She used Ford’s cane to hit the man and said Ford carried a 9MM gun on his person.
The complaint says Ford, thought Urisote had a gun and took it away from him and Ford denied having a gun on his person. Ford went to a local hotel and hid the gun in a restroom light vanity. APD detectives were able to recover that gun and it matches the caliber that the casings were found on scene. It is unclear if that was the original firearm used in the murder and deadly assault.
Ford was charged murder in the first degree, tampering with evidence, and careless driving. He has not been charged for the assault of a deadly weapon for the second victim.
Ford is no stranger to violent crimes in New Mexico and has a record dating back to 1997. Most of the cases were dismissed or plea deals were struck.