Albuquerque –
At 8:25 PM, officers from the Albuquerque Police Department and Albuquerque Fire Rescue responded to a crash near San Ygnacio Rd SW and 98th St SW.
The crash involves a motorcycle vs pedestrian. AFR reportedly transported two patients with serious injuries. According to a witness, one crash victim purportedly has a partial lower limb amputation. The motorcycle rider crashed after hitting the pedestrian.
The witness described the bike as a ninja style sports bike.
APD has 98th blocked between Tower Rd and Westgate Park Plaza so APD’s Fatal Crash Team can investigate. This investigation is a result of the injuries sustained by both patients.
If we learn more, we will update you.
At 11:00 PM, APD’s Deputy Director of Communications Rebecca Atkins sent out an email on this crash stating:
“APD’s Fatal Crash Team has been called out to investigate a crash that occurred at 98th Street SW and San Ygnacio Road SW.
Upon investigation it was determined a motorcyclist struck a pedestrian in the roadway.
The pedestrian died on scene and the motorcyclist was transported to the hospital in critical condition.
More details will be provided as they are available.“
Reports from witnesses and family members suggest that the pedestrian was not using a designated crosswalk when they were struck by the motorcycle. Meaning the pedestrian was jaywalking. In addition, it was dark when the crash occurred, so witnesses have said that the rider may have not seen the pedestrian in the roadway.
APD has not provided any additional details beyond the initial statement, which is in update 1.