Posted By: ABQ RAW Staff
Posted On: 07/28/2023 @2:25PM
UPDATE (POSTED BELOW): 07/28/2023 @3:50PM

Albuquerque, NM –
A serious car crash and fire took place at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. A vehicle collided with the building, located at 1701 4th St., S.W., resulting in a dangerous fire inside of the building that led to the immediate evacuation of the Cultural Center.
Regrettably, one person from the vehicle was critically injured and quickly taken to a nearby hospital for urgent medical attention. It is unknown if the driver suffered from a medical incident or if they were driving impaired.
The crash and subsequent fire prompted swift responses from both the Albuquerque Police Department and Albuquerque Fire Rescue, who coordinated with multiple emergency vehicles stationed in the area to offer assistance.
As investigations are underway, access to the front parking lot of the National Hispanic Cultural Center is strictly limited to emergency responders. It’s essential to respect the scene perimeter to allow for an effective investigation and so that emergency personnel can access the Cultural Center.
We have a reporter headed to the scene. We await further updates from APD and AFR, we will let you know when more information becomes available. During this time, let’s be mindful of the ongoing investigation and the challenges faced by those handling the aftermath of this incident.
In a recent press conference held jointly by the Albuquerque Police Department’s civilian PIO, Gilbert Gallegos, and Albuquerque Fire Rescue’s PIO, Lt. Jason Fejer, new details have emerged regarding the crash and fire at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.
Based on the information shared during the press conference, it appears that the crash was not a mere accident, but rather it was the result of a domestic dispute that reportedly escalated. The male driver, exhibiting harmful intentions, made the decision to try and take the life of the female passenger and or his own. Reportedly, the male driver was taken to the hospital for further medical care, he was listed in critical condition.
The vehicle that crashed into the National Hispanic Cultural Center appeared to be a newer model, black SUV.
While on scene, we learned that the building was occupied by only one employee at the time of the incident. Additionally, this employee was stationed far from the point of impact, effectively avoiding any harm. Consequently, no other injuries to emergency personnel or the public were reported.