Man Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Presbyterian Hospital


September 12, 2024, 4:06 pm , , , ,
Photo Credit Presbyterian Healthcare Services (PHS)

Albuquerque –

At around 1:30 PM, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) got an alarming call from the Rio Rancho Police Department (RRPD). One of the RRPD dispatchers was on the phone with a man who claimed he was on his way to a Presbyterian Hospital campus to purportedly carry out a shooting. At the time, the individual did not disclose which Presbyterian hospital campus he was heading to. RRPD gave a vehicle description to APD, so they could be on the lookout for the person. APD scrambled officers to go to three Presbyterian hospital campuses: Presbyterian Downtown on Central, Presbyterian on Harper, and Presbyterian Rust on the westside.

Around 1:45 PM, RRPD informed APD that the threat appeared to be directed toward Presbyterian Downtown on Central. RRPD advised APD that it sounded like the man was now walking around, as the RRPD dispatcher apparently could hear street noise on the line. APD officers started scouring the area for the man. APD radio traffic indicated that the person was able to gain entry to Presbyterian Downtown before the hospital went into lockdown. Presbyterian’s security team told APD that the individual took elevator E and exited through the parking garage.

Presbyterian’s security team was able to tell APD that the man left the parking garage and was last walking towards the GI lab. At around 2:15 PM, APD officers eventually located the person near a different parking garage on Spruce.

At the time of this posting, authorities have not released the identity of the man. We are informing our readers about the situation because many have emailed, messaged us on Facebook, and sent Instagram messages asking about the lockdown.

We will be monitoring MDC records to determine when the man is booked. After the police book the person, we will share updates on his name and the charges against him.


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4 thoughts on “Man Arrested After Allegedly Threatening Presbyterian Hospital”
    1. I could say you look a mess, but all it is you lack grammar and details to explain a boring redundant that most people arenot qualified to detail and explain where there are some very good papers on crime an homicide issued by the DOJ that are not read or listened to by most.
      Why Is the United States the Most Homicidal Nation in the Affluent World
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    2. I could say you look a mess, but all it is you lack grammar and details to explain a boring redundant that most people arenot qualified to detail and explain where there are some very good papers on crime an homicide issued by the DOJ that are not read or listened to by most.
      Why Is the United States the Most Homicidal Nation in the Affluent World
      National Institute of Justice

  1. Albuquerque sure has changed since I moved here from Chicago in 1978 to work at Sandia Labs. It was a quiet, relatively safe place then. I almost joined Curt Sliwa’s Guardian Angels to ride Sun Tran buses for the passengers’ safety. Schedules didn’t allow it. At the time, I didn’t think I would have been too busy doing that. Albuquerque was safe then.
    It’s sad that the “Big City Plague” has struck our fine city here.

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