Off-Duty APD Officer Involved in Domestic Incident, Leaves Scene, Warrant Issued for his Arrest

Albuquerque –

On January 13th, 2025, the Albuquerque Police Department responded to the home of off-duty APD police officer James Eichel in regards to a domestic violence incident. When officers arrived they found his wife with significant swelling and bruising around her left eye.

According to the criminal complaint, the wife said the off-duty Eichel was drinking, and they got in a verbal argument over some of the contents on his phone. The verbal argument turned physical and she said she got punched multiple times. She went to another room, where Eichel prevented her from leaving.

The wife was able to leave the residence and go to a neighbors. At that time, she observed the off-duty Eichel get into a personal vehicle and drive off.

Eichel was one of the officers involved in the August 2021, Dutch Bros. shootout that left him and three other APD officers wounded by a well armed convicted felon.

Eichel is being charged with aggravated battery against a household member (Great Bodily Harm) and false imprisonment. Per NM Court records, he has a warrant out for his arrest and he had made arrangements to turn himself in, so he is potentially in custody at this time.


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10 thoughts on “Off-Duty APD Officer Involved in Domestic Incident, Leaves Scene, Warrant Issued for his Arrest”
  1. How odd…City Council recently passed a new work place ordinance that they would not test for cannabis stating it was to help first responders cope with PTSD. I guess James didn’t get the memo and was hitting both the bottle and his wife.

    1. That was for the county employees not the city.
      And the restrictions for the county are for employees that carry a gun or a CDL. so BCSO officers are not allowed to smoke still.
      But I really do wonder how much the DV rate would decrease if officers Al were allowed to smoke, we all know alcohol has always played a role in officers DV rate.

  2. To bad that this police officer does not have a Sister who is a also police officer. Sleeping with one of the deputy chief. He would not only get off DV charge but get promoted. You old 34 know who I talking about. APD has been dirty for a long long time .You Feel me people.

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