Bernalillo County – Despite rigorous life-saving efforts, an inmate died on Thursday, May 2, at the Metropolitan Detention Center. MDC and the UNM Hospital medical team responded to a medical emergency notification and life-saving measures were initiated.
Albuquerque Ambulance and Bernalillo County Fire & Rescue were dispatched and arrived at the facility at approximately 2:30 p.m. Life-saving measures continued until the inmate was pronounced deceased at 2:41 p.m. The individual has been identified as Marcella Montelongo, age 23.
She was arrested after allegedly starving her special needs son to death. Her son was 5-years-old and weighed under 14 pounds. The complaint said the boy had muscular dystrophy. His appearance was mere skin and bones, his hip bone was clearly defined as if his skin was adhered directly to the bone’s surface and he had open ulcers on his tailbone.
The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office was notified and responded to the facility. In accordance with standard operating procedure the incident is pending investigation by the MDC Office of Professional Standards and the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Office.
The New Mexico Office of the Medical Investigator will investigate the cause of death. MDC officials declined comment on if it was suicide or inmate on inmate street justice.
You know I’m not for vigilante Street Justice unless it has to do with hurting children. I hope she suffered and I hope whoever helped her exit this life will get extra chow/commissary! The word hero gets thrown around a lot and most times not warranted. Just think about it!
Vigilantism is what will save this dying city. Our criminal “justice system” is a fucking farce.
The bible tells us that it would be better to have a millstone hung around our neck, than to cause harm to a child. Such a tragically sad story in every regard. She was a despicable “mother” to kill her baby in such a torturous manner. Same for the rest of the degenerate family that did NOTHING.
it is time to completely DISMANTLE CYFD, and deal with those in charge of that thoroughly corrupt state agency criminally!!!! Lock them up and throw away the keys……..
The family is probably more concerned with people trash talking their poor little Heeta. Now they will probably try to get a settlement from the state, saying their poor heeta was not cared for in jail.
I agree with Humbly. CYFD should pay for their crimes against children!!! They’re to busy taking our beloved children while there are parents out there that are putting children through such unthinkable torture!! I can’t believe no one noticed this poor innocent child being strve to death. It makes me cry to think that someone would ever do that to a child. All the while CYFD is over there playing keep the baby from a loving mother who all she did was try to save her baby from a feytanal user after stepfather, after taking off with child after a fit of rage, left child with the psycho feytanyl bitch who refused to give child to mother. CYFD is now trying to give child to stepfather and trying to severe moms rights because mother is angry with CYFd for the decisions they make as to the care of the child and not allowing due process as was given to stepfather and not making any attempt whatsoever to help return child to mother. CyFD should be classified right along with mother’s like in this stories. They know nothing about what I’d and is t good for children cause all they care about is taking healthy happy adoptable children and placing them in the foster system so that they can get their paychecks from the federal government. Last time I checked that was called human trafficking and they should all be put in a line up and you know the rest. Crimes against children are unacceptable and unforgivable. Pray God saves all our children and let’s a astroid hit CYFD.
I want to read the story. What month did this happen? What jail for females so i can look up.
thank you
Instant Karma.