Shot Fired After Fight at Park Near Albuquerque High, Teens Involved in Incident

Albuquerque –

Around 2:30PM, the Albuquerque Police Department’s Valley Area Command responded to reports of a fight in progress and a shot was fired into the air.

The Albuquerque Police responded to the scene and were given descriptions of teens involved and they were contacting witnesses around the area. It’s unclear which park the fight took place in, as there are two parks near the high school, and the school also has its own fields for sporting events.

As a precaution, Albuquerque High School was put on a lock down as police investigated the scene.

If we find out more information, we will update the story.


The shelter-in-place at Albuquerque High has been lifted.


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4 thoughts on “Shot Fired After Fight at Park Near Albuquerque High, Teens Involved in Incident”
  1. @ABQRAW
    So the point of the story is what exactly? Seems your “reporting” on a story that you all know is meant to grab attention and bring people to your site. Litterly zero important info provided. How’s about next time you all wait til there is something to actually report!?
    Do better!

  2. @ABQRAW
    the shelter in place was already lifted before you published this “story” at no point before the upload did you all think to check the APS website!? LoL
    I’m pretty sure that falls under news reporting 101! LoL
    Do Better

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