Albuquerque –
APD’s Fatal Crash team was at the scene of a crash involving a city solid waste vehicle that struck a pedestrian today at 6:15 a.m. in the area of Central Ave. and 1st St. The pedestrian was determined to be deceased at the scene.
The incident happened in the inside perimeter of the Alvarado Transportation Center. It was locked down for a brief time and was re-opened around 10AM.
The Fatal Crash team also responded this morning to a crash shortly before 5 a.m. in Southwest Albuquerque. A preliminary investigation indicated a silver Toyota Camry was driving northbound on Coors Blvd SW. The pedestrian was attempting to walk across Coors from west to the east near Gonzales Rd. when he was struck. The pedestrian, an adult male, was pronounced deceased on scene by medical personnel. The driver and witness stayed on scene. This is an ongoing investigation and all evidence on scene was gathered.
“Pedestrian” = Homeless and/or fentanyl zombie filth.
The problem with society today is exactly this, want to talk about ignorance and say that because people are walking they are homeless or fentanyl users because they’re on foot.. you are the epitome of ignorance. People like you are the filth of society.
And you, honeycunt, warrant no consideration or treatment as “people” at all.
Fuck you. If you’re walking where there is traffic then you are a pedestrian. No matter what.
And when “pedestrians” aren’t conscious or intelligent enough to avoid traffic, they’re probably societal filth.
Now please go play in the street. You’ll be just a smear of red on my truck’s grille.
It sickens me what a lack of respect, consideration, or even so much as regard for human life you have. I’m sorry for whatever in your life has jaded you so badly that you have become scorned, sour, and negative.
Wow, you must be really miserable with yourself to have such a sad and negative way of thinking. People walk all the time anywhere for any reason, you can walk on the cross walk while you have the right away and yet cars still don’t pay attention sometimes and no matter how much you pay attention things happen, yet you oh high and mighty keyboard warrior sit behind your screen and mock and downgrade people. Go sit your clown, broken spirit ass in some grass and read a book maybe you’ll learn something.
Don’t want to get hit by cars? DON’T FUCKING PLAY IN TRAFFIC.
Amazing how dense a pair of gashes can be over what intelligent, Better citizens understand to be just simple common sense.
Agreed, however there’s no use in trying to explain that to closed minded individuals who have nothing to say except hateful negative comments.
What you call “hateful negative comments,” those Better than you know as “truth.”
Put on your big girl panties, sugartits. It’s a hard world out there, and it doesn’t give a single shit about your delicate fucking feelings.