Santa Fe, NM –
On January 28th, 2025, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference allegedly about public safety issues.
Due to our media site being blocked access to ANY of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s press releases and events. We have nothing to report because our 1st amendment rights for freedom of the press is being denied once again.
Call the Governor’s office at (505) 476-2200 and let them know how you feel about her lack of transparency.
You know ABQ Raw reporters are reporting the news honestly, rather than MLG’s narrative.
My hat’s off to you ABQ Raw!
ABQ RAW do better!! You don’t respond to posts you don’t respond to emails. You all add unnecessary commentary to what you report.
We do respond to posts when we are able, and we also do answer emails when we can. ABQRAW is run by two reporters who are constantly in the field, you can see our Best of the City story in the Albuquerque The Magazine. Unlike other local media outlets that employ a large staff who might be able to promptly respond to comments received, our organization operates with a small team and we focus on providing content and news as it happens.
Before anyone starts calling the Governor’s office, we’re wondering if ABQ RAW has the proper credentials to attend these press conferences?
Hi JC, thanks for inquiring. We do have credentials, including at the national level. As media personnel, we were granted permission to photograph President Trump during his campaign visit in New Mexico. Additionally, we have the capability to attend press conferences held by various public officials, including US Attorney Uballez, New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez, Mayor Tim Keller, BCSO and Sheriff John Allen, APD and Chief Harold Medina, AFR and Chief Emily Jaramillo, City Councilors, and others. Stay safe.
Facts don’t care about ABQ Raw’s F E E L I N G S
The Governors office stated it’s on their website and on her YouTube channel.
She probably doesn’t appreciate being referred to as a Chipmunk…Let’s get real. Everybody knows she is actually a soon to be unemployed Oompa Loompa.
Called constituent services to request ABQ RAW be allowed to be in conference room with news media !
I can’t stand that oompa loompa.
Mlg is a feckless pos just like the pos tk. These constitution haters are one of the biggest problems and threats we face today. The idiot democraps keep getting put in office so my guess is the voters like being treated worse than the criminals mlg and tk protect. I didn’t vote for this trash. I hope people wise up and vote red for a better Albuquerque.
The worst part, are the inept people who keep voting dem. Like brave new world, [sic] “The people come to love their slavery, and would never dare revolt.”
Leftist vermin deserve no consideration or treatment as “people” of any kind. Once you understand that, the necessary solution to their infestation becomes much clearer.
Freedom comes with responsibility
MAGA vermin always forget that
Trying to defend MLG and what she did during the Pandemic? Closed churches, schools, restaurants and told people to mask up and shelter at home. Doesn’t sound like Freedom to me.
You forgot “Then she went shopping for jewelry.”
And partied at Navajo Resivoir during the lockdown. Not reported on and the owner of the dock works was threatened by her admin not to say anything or he would be punished. This according to someone who was told directly by the owner
Mind your Betters. You exist only because we let you.
You’re full of what’s in bidens depends bfair is that you Michelle. This governor wouldn’t know responsibility if it slapped her in the face. Commies vote for commies you feckless fool
Check you out and your name calling. Makes me feel like a lil kid again. Maybe grow up and if you’re not able to have a meaningful and intelligent comment to add maybe keep your fingers away form the keyboard
ABQ RAW while does some good reporting. The fact that they use slurs and name calling almost in every post it’s no wonder no one wants them at their events. Maybe if they demonstrated a little professionalism they would get an invite? Not saying they need to bend completely over and take it but again if you want to be professional be professional if you just want to be some flyby night ” news organization then just go to Facebook or Instagram or something like that but to try to get people to pay money to advertise on your site and things like that you got to have a little bit of professionalism
You just can’t please everyone can you. I don’t care if you like my post or not. Like I said this administration in Santa fe is a far left communist regime. Her oath is not absolute. Commies vote commie. Go preach somewhere else. The name calling is fit for this trash.
I personally don’t care one way or another about any of this but if you want to connect with someone to get them to actually listen to you and consider your side, little kid name-calling is definitely not the way to do it. I don’t understand why anyone thinks that name-calling and personal insults to someone who you’ve never met in your life actually makes a difference and makes them think “Hmmm, this guy is right. I AM a commie bullshit dumbass idiot who doesn’t know shit! I should start thinking more like this guy!”
I personally don’t give a rats ass what andrew thinks. My point being…… if you take an oath to uphold and protect our constitution then live by that oath. This trash in Santa Fe has not. Childish or not my opinion stands. If that’s not refined enough for you, that’s not my problem. Mlg and tk are trash traitors.
ABQ Raw reporters report the REAL news TRUE-FULLY!! I don’t believe anything MLG & her cronies “SAY”!! When is NM going to pull-their-heads-out & VOTE RED??
We need more New Mexicans to pull out…that’s the problem…always someone else’s fault
And you retards voted for this.
This is your gal.
Gonna vote that even bigger retard deb the dumbass in next aren’t you. Yeah, you people are special here. Let’s complain about crime and vote the same DA in, let’s be ranked dead last in the nation in almost every aspect and bite the mayor back in. Let’s be one of the most dangerous cities in the world and then blame everyone else for it. Let’s be lowest of the low income and continue to give the richest man in the world Warren Buffett some 30 million dollars a year for part time gas station employees at 12.00 and hour. Yea man, Albuquerque, we’re hella smart
No media credentials? Why? Independent news should get credentials. Smells like East Central fishy….