Man Climbs onto Business Roof to Avoid APD Capture, Causes Traffic Delays on Central

Albuquerque –

Today at around 3:30PM, the Albuquerque Police Department tried to make contact with a male but he fled from officers near Central Ave and Louisiana Blvd NE. During a foot pursuit the suspect tried to get on the ART bus but then instead fled to a nearby mobile home park.

APD officers surrounded the mobile home park and the man was able to get onto the roof of Southwestern Minerals located at 7008 Central Ave. Police then surrounded the building and started making public address announcements for the man to come down and surrender peacefully. The man decided instead to endure the scorching hot pain of the businesses metal roof and he held out for at least a half hour more. For his last moments of freedom the man was seen smoking an unknown substance and trying to hide behind an air conditioner unit on the roof. Traffic on Central going both directions was shut down temporarily causing traffic congestion and chaos on surrounding streets. We observed several drugged out pedestrians who normally walk around the side streets almost get hit by the massive amounts of diverted traffic.

Albuquerque Fire Rescue was called to the scene to bring a ladder to help assist the man down from the roof.

Eventually, the man raised his hands while blowing smoke and peacefully climbed down the provided ladder and surrendered to police who were waiting on the ground.

We will update the story when we find out more information about pending charges from this incident.


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10 thoughts on “Man Climbs onto Business Roof to Avoid APD Capture, Causes Traffic Delays on Central”
  1. You would have thought he was holding people hostage or something with the way the APD blocked off a huge section of a very major street and intersection. I almost lost my new job because of this Jack A**!!!!!! I really hate this city sometimes….

  2. I personally own the business. My wife and an employee were asked to shelter in place. However, APD FAILED to let them know when the situation was under control. APD and the COA are Destroying are family-owned minority business of 50 plus years. Timmy Keller refuses to meet with me regarding this problem.

  3. Work facilities such as a tent city prison would be an excellent rehab! As others stated, people lose their jobs, business, or even interviews, thanks to people who shouldn’t be allowed to roam the streets. Then the schools call CPS, because you couldn’t pick your child up on time.

          1. I’d much rather kill vermin than have my tax dollars subsidizing its wretched existence. Enough self analysis for you, kiddo?

  4. This guy clearly had a drug problem. We need more resources to help people like that. Jail isn’t the answer for things like this. I know we have some resources which is great. Maybe we need to make those voluntary resources a mandatory resource?

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