Albuquerque –

On Sunday, January 19, around 4:05 PM, the Albuquerque Police Department and Albuquerque Fire Rescue were dispatched to a crash near the 3520 block of Kathryn Ave SE, which is near the corner of Kathryn Ave SE and Carlisle Blvd. Reportedly, this crash involves a vehicle vs motorcycle*.

When officers and emergency personnel from AFR arrived, they found one individual who was declared dead at the scene.

Kathryn Ave eastbound will be closed between Amherst and Carlisle.

APD’s fatal traffic unit compiled of sworn and civilian investigators is being requested to investigate this fatal crash. If we learn more, we will update you.


We have learned that the person was riding a bicycle, not a motorcycle. Witness reported seeing a white pickup truck with heavy damage on right side fleeing the scene.


On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, a CrimeStoppers bulletin was issued for this fatal crash.

***The map is intended to show the general vicinity where the collision occurred.***


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8 thoughts on “Fatal Crash on Kathryn Being Investigated By APD’s Motor Unit”
  1. That’s 3 fatal motorcycle accidents in just over a week. Albuquerque drivers need a wakeup call. Would be nice if APD could start enforcing traffic laws…can’t remember the last time I saw someone pulled over getting a ticket.

  2. That white pickup truck reported was on Wellesley speeding right before this, they burned rubber right at the Kathryn corner turn by the park. If that corner house has a doorbell cam they may have video. Wellesley SE and Kathryn Corner turn ant stop sign

  3. My friend lives off of that area on carlisle and almost lost her life a year ago there with a truck driver who was speeding and looking at his cell phone. Her car was totaled and she landed upside down. Luckily she had her seat belt on and and firefighters happened to be not far behind who saw everything that happened. They were able to get her out of the car right away and take her to the hospital. The truck driver tried to leave the scene and her neighbor ran on foot to catch up to him to get back to the scene…luckily he did. There are accidents there too frequently and this time someone died. It saddens me to hear that. I urged my friend today to contact the city and try to get them to do something about it. Put something there to slow traffic down.

    1. Wow, what a horrible ordeal for your friend. Glad they are okay, but it definitely sounds like a traumatic situation for her. Thankfully a neighbor was able to find the driver.

      You might have your friend and her neighbors contact the City’s Traffic Engineering Division and also her local City Councilor. If the council person is able to determine the number of crashes over a given period of time, maybe something can be done to help improve traffic safety/traffic flow in this area.

      Not sure if she can also submit a request here to get the ball moving:

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