Homicide detectives from the Albuquerque Police Department determined a 14-year-old boy was killed overnight after he and a 15-year-old friend shot a woman they were trying to rob.
The woman’s husband returned gunfire, striking and killing the 14-year-old. Five teens have been arrested and two others are wanted by police in connection with the shooting.
Detectives are investigating the death as a justifiable homicide since the husband of the victim was defending his wife and himself during an armed robbery attempt. The wife, an adult female in her 30s, was treated for two gunshot wounds and was released today from the hospital.
Detectives identified Alonzo Sanderson as the teen who was killed. The 15-year-old who was with Sanderson and fired shots into the car that struck the victim, was identified as Jeriah Salas. He is charged with several crimes, including attempt to commit an armed robbery with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery, assault with a deadly weapon, shooting at a motor vehicle, and conspiracy.
Sanderson and Salas were with a large group of teens who were in a white car that approached the victims who were in a blue jeep at an apartment complex located at 557 Tramway Blvd., N.E. The teens pulled passed the jeep and decided to rob the occupants of the Jeep.
The victims told detectives that the teen later identified as Sanderson approached the passenger side window of the Jeep with two handguns. The second teen, later identified as Salas, opened the rear passenger door armed with a gun. The victims heard a gunshot and the husband produced his own handgun and fired several times at the teens. A female teen that was part of the group then entered the Jeep from the passenger side and started fighting with the driver. The driver put the Jeep in reverse and smashed into the white car. The husband then drove off, and after realizing his wife was shot, drove her to the hospital.
The teens loaded their mortally wounded homie Sanderson into their car and left the scene. The group left the scene and drove to nearby residence to collect gas money to take Sanderson to the hospital. The teens later told detectives that one of the girls who was with them may have also had a gunshot wound. The female who was apparently shot left with Salas and another boy.
In addition to Salas, detectives are charging six other teens who are accused of being involved and having knowledge of the robbery. Salas was arrested on his charges.
Four others were arrested: Jocelyn Pino, 16, Elijah Gutierrez, 14, Jathan Gutierrez, 12, and Vicente Pino, 17. Police are searching for two other teens: Janiyah Pino, 15, and Levi Salas, 13.
It should be noted that lawmakers are in session and have not passed any formidable juvenile violent crime legislation since the 1970’s.
I deeply appreciate the level of detail your journalism provides the community. It goes way beyond what other news services and our politicians report. It’s also why you are censured from the round house.
[…] It should be noted that lawmakers are in session and have not passed any formidable juvenile violent crime legislation since the 1970’s. More Here […]
These criminals are getting younger and younger but should be prosecuted as adults.
It’s astonishing that this pack of miscreants is so young. Imagine it. A pack of CHILDREN running around committing robbery, inflicting terror, equipped with GUNS and VEHICLES. This is worse than some India-tier slum shit-hole. Who raises these little shits? Imagine what the parents are like. They really should be held accountable for this. What community allows “parents” to raise their kids like this? Let me guess- they are covered in tattoos, probably do drugs in front of the kids, and more. And this is considered normal now. How low society has fallen. The guy who returned fire to protect his wife from these monsters should be given a medal. It’s too bad he didn’t take out more of them. The rest of them should be incarcerated for life or worse. But let me guess- because they’re underage they’ll be held at the juvenile detention center receiving gentle “rehabilitation” from soft fruity social workers “listening to their needs” till they’re released back into the public in a couple years to continue their violent terror-spree.
If lawmakers are in session, and don’t change the juvenile rules, we’re in a lot of trouble.
We’ve been in DEEP trouble for the past 80+ years as the Marxist democrats over multiple generations prevail in their asinine political persuasions and voting patterns. THEY are why our state is WORST in the US for all critically important matters and core tenets. Stupid is as stupid does!!!
Ditto. I wish the husband had killed them all. This story shows how out of control things are getting in Albuquerque. Gangs of juvenile thugs terrorizing the community is just one more danger we have to live with now. Lock up these young thugs till they are too old to walk. Yes, lock up the parents too for at least thirty years and sterilize them to keep them from producing more violent offspring. If you make evil kids and do nothing about it, then there should be consequences.
Hope the parents are also charged as well. Lets see if the impotent, incompetent legislature brings about real changes to make these idiot teens committing violent adult crimes accountable AS ADULTS for their actions. Not going to hold my breath though as nothing will happen and these violent future felons will be let loose to commit more violent crimes against us taxpaying citizens. I really wonder if the victims will be charged for defending themselves and their property? Sad that a teen was killed but at the same time, to bad the victims didn’t shoot all of these felonious idiots.
It’s amazes me that this occurred after midnight on a school night involving young teens. The parents of these assholes should be held accountable and serve jail time. Our city is turning into a Third World country thanks to woke CRT crap in the schools and derelict adults who should not be breeding. We’ve lost an entire generation to Liberal Ideology.
[…] Teens Crime Spree Leads to Crew Member Being Killed, Santa Fe Lawmakers Still Stagnant on Crime Bill… […]
Crickets from Cowboy Hat Bregman on this since it occurred. Same for herr Torrez, who ran on killing unborn babies when he ran for state AG. And, for that matter, the Chipmunk governess, and Dreamy Mayor Timmy and Gomer Medina. Why? Because they are ONLY interested in taking away 2nd amendment rights from LAW ABIDING American citizens. They’re not the least bit interested in attacking the slimeball, degenerate, dumbed down, deliberately un-educated and/or undereducated, gangster, homie-factor culture, which IS the ROOT of the problem with the out of control drug and gun related crime in this state and across the country.
We are LIVING out Isaiah 5:20 every day throughout our country, and indeed the world people!! This is what happens when a people turns their backs on God and kick Him out of the public square, our courts, schools, government, and sadly, even in many churches who have now created their god in the form that THEY have feel most comfortable!!!
I want to see laws passed that hold the parents or legal guardians FULLY responsible for the acts of these punk thugs. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, but they do it because their consciences have been seared to the point that they have NO moral compass or conscience, AND they know they’ll not pay any significant penalty. Throw the kids in prison just like their loser parents, and there will be a decrease in the out of control crime. Continue the mostly lawless legal system for juvenile criminals as it exists, where the kid punk criminals are considered the “victims” by touch-feely DEI, phoney-baloney psychologist morons, and we will ALL pay more and more severe consequences. Period!!!
Isaiah 5:20 – “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Amen brother. I agree with you 100%. Thank you for articulating how I have felt for years.
The moral decay of our country and the destruction of the nuclear family have created a toxic environment for children. Then we provide them at an early age with smartphones so they are exposed to the darkest depths of society and the means to network with like-minded delinquents. Technology has robed them of their childhood and created a generation of lunatics unable to grasp reality. And the sad part is, like Pandora’s Box, there’s no going back. God help our Country.
A message to any of the little robber poops who want to try the same thing with me: you will get the same response.
If there are laws. They need to use them. I don’t understand how in 20 yrs curfews were outlawed, truancy court no longer exist, parents get into trouble for their children when it should be the children. I recall seeing plenty of idiots getting hemmed up at school. They just need to start enforcing the laws of the my ain’t gonna pass anything. But APDs victim mentality is what actually murdered our city. They went from being trigger happy to cowards over night because of the DOJ order. It’s that worthless president pig at the union that made them not do their job. Sean needs to be arrested along with Medina, and Timmy.
Liberals are making this city/state a bigger shit hole all the time thanks to crime and drugs. Whether its hoodlums robbing people or homeless people shitting, doing drugs, performing sex acts on the streets, or building tent camps on sidewalks, etc, this city/metro from ABQ to Belen is going to shit.
Good job armed citizen! If enough would be victims would do exactly this, we wouldn’t have to wait for “lawmakers” to act to get these disgusting excuses for people off the street. Dig a hole and dump them in…
“The teens loaded their mortally wounded homie Sanderson into their car and left the scene.”
“Mortally wounded homie”
Wonder how the reporting would go if these kids had been lacking melanin.
Homie as defined by Oxford dictionary: an acquaintance from one’s town or neighborhood, or a member of one’s peer group or gang.